Thursday, October 11, 2007

Otter Creek Copper Ale

Another of my “beer I bought because it seemed like the most interesting option I hadn’t already had from a limited selection at the liquor store next to where I happened to be” reviews. In other words, neither this nor the Sam Adams Mix Pack would have been my first choice at a good liquor store, but hey, you’re not always at a good liquor store and sometimes a limited selection makes you try things you might not otherwise. That and Otter Creek’s porter is pretty great. The label says “Copper Ale”, but if you just handed me the pint glass, I’d call it a brown, with maybe a hint more ruddiness and darkness than is typical for the style. Smells like a brown ale, tastes like a brown ale, drinks like a brown ale. The hop aroma is pleasant but faint, and almost a little fruity. This tastes a tiny bit sharp and metallic, but not in a bad way. I’d gladly take this over the Sam Adams brown that I reviewed in my last post, though. Also, boo to Otter Creek for using screwtop bottles – commercial craft brewers should have more respect for their homebrewing roots and use bottles that can be recycled at home. This is a nice beer, but I just don’t have all that much to say about it. It’s not like I won’t finish the six pack. I just don’t know if I’d buy it again anytime soon.

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